Ajay played versatile characters in the Telugu film industry as a hero's buddy, character artiste and villain in different films and won appreciation from critics as well. Now, he got an opportunity to play a key role in the film '24' directed by Vikram K Kumar with Surya as hero. Recently some posters were released featuring Ajay in the film. There was a very good response to the Ajay look in those posters. It is worth mentioning here that Vikram Kumar had given me an opportunity in his film 'Ishq' with Nithin and Nitya Menon in the lead roles and Ajay played a role with negative shades. Ajay says, 'Now again Vikram Kumar gave me a chance to prove my acting abilities in yet another extraordinary film. I am confident that the role would give me a good break and it would become another milestone in his career.'
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