Creative director SS Rajamouli's magnum opus 'Baahubali' had created ripples in the entire Indian film industry and broke several records. The VFX works (visual effects) and graphics almost reminded the Hollywood films. The film had crossed the Rs 500 crore-mark at the Box Office. After achieving all these landmarks, 'Baahubali' had reached the pinnacle by securing the National Best Film award from the Government of India. Now this biggest grossing Indian film was selected for screening in the upcoming Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF), which will take place on April 6 at 10.30 pm. The makers of Baahubali posted this news on the Twitter. The director of the film SS Rajamouli is busy wrapping up the second part of the film 'Bahubali – The conclusion'. Presently some key scenes are being canned at Ramoji City.
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