Nata Simha Nandamuri Balakrishna is presently busy with the pre-production arrangements of his 100th film. He is growing the moustache and is learning horse-riding by joining the Hyderabad Polo Club. On the other hand the director of the film Krish is presently busy scouting the locations for the movie. However, the official announcement about the film is expected to be made on Ugadi day at Amaravati. It may be mentioned here that director Krish had narrated a storyline to Balakrishna and as the story is with historical backdrop and hence the latter was impressed with it as it would be a perfect subject for a prestigious film like 100th movie. Already a group of research scholars are also working hard to dig the history of Satakarni. Till now there were rumours made rounds in the media that 'Yodhudu' is the title under consideration for the movie. Director Krish registered the title 'Gautamiputra Satakarni' at the Film Chamber on his First Frame Entertainments banner. Rajeev Reddy, a close friend of Krish is producing the movie.
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