Mega Star Chiranjeevi himself had announced that his 150th movie's title as 'Kathilantodu'. It is well aware that the 150th film of Chiranjeevi will be the remake of a successful Tamil film 'Kathi' and it would be directed by maverick director VV Vinayak. Mega Star revealed the title during an interaction with his fans during a recent blood donation campaign. However, there is a hitch for the launch of the film shooting as Chiranjeevi has to undergo a surgery to his shoulder at a hospital in Mumbai. After taking rest for a couple of weeks, he will join the shooting of the film. As per the available reports the shooting of the film will begin somewhere during May and Nayanatara is going to pair up with Chiranjeevi as the female lead. Nayanatara is being paid a bomb for the role, it is learnt. If everything moves as per expected lines, the film is most likely to hit the screens during Sankranti season next year. Ram Charan and Lyca Productions are jointly producing this mega project. Pre-production work of the movie is on in a brisk pace.
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