A national award winning actor is going to direct another national award winning actor. A combination of two powerhouse performers will be witnessed on silver screen but one actor will be behind the screens.
Method actor Prakash Raj, who won numerous awards for his portrayal of complex characters in Tamil and Telugu languages, has turned on his passion to wield megaphone once again. As a director, he has proved his talent and won great praise for the movies he made.
His recent directorial venture "Ulavacharu Biryani" ("Un Samayal Arayil" in Tamil) was highly appreciated by critics. Prakash Raj is now remaking the movie in Hindi under his direction with the title "Tadka".
Bollywood's legendary actor Nana Patekar will reprise the role that was done by Prakash Raj. Nana Patekar who is impressed with the Prakash Raj's direction and the story immediately agreed to do the movie. Incidentally, Nana Patekar, like Prakash Raj, is a foodie and has passion for cooking.
Shriya Saran and Tapsee are also pleased to be part of this movie. Prakash Raj Productions and Zee Studios will jointly produce the movie . Regular shoot will commence from May.
Movie: Tadka
Cast: Nana Patekar, Shriya Saran, Tapsee
Produced by: Prakash Raj Productions, Zee Studios
Screenplay and directed by: Prakash Raj
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