After making his debut with 'Andhala Rakshasi', Rahul Ravindran has been endearing himself to movie lovers with his sensible story selection and good movies. He is all set to work in a new movie, which was formally launched in Shamshabad recently. Leela Tata is the heroine in this movie and Ravikiran Chowdhary, who had earlier worked with Gunasekhar in directorial department, is making his debut as a director. Ravikiran says, "The regular shooting of the film will begin in the third week of April and we are very happy with the script. We will present Rahul in a new way in this film. Sekhar Chandra is scoring the music," he said. Rajendra Prasad and Vellalacheruvu Ravi Kumar are making their debut as producers with this movie, through Vaishnavi Creations banner. Speaking on the occasion, producer says, "We are going to produce this movie with a big cast and we are not compromising on production values. The script has come out very well. We will be revealing more details soon." Story and dialogues are by Rajendra Prasad, art is by Raj Kumar, cinematography is by Devender Reddy, music is by Sekhar Chandra and the screenplay and direction are by Ravikiran Chowdhary.
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