It is well aware that 'Guntur Talkies' directed by Praveen Sattaru was a runaway hit. This maverick director had planned another fantastic beautiful romantic drama and thought only Siddharth could do justice to that role and reportedly convinced him to play hero in his film. It is worth mentioning here that Siddharth was away from the Telugu film industry for the past two-three years in the absence of a proper hit to his credit. He made his appearance as a cameo in Young Tiger NT Rama Rao's film 'Baadshah' wherein he played the role of NTR's brother. He is now mostly concentrating on Tamil films. As per the available information Siddharth could be seen in the role of an IT professional who is in search love. If everything goes well, the film would be mostly shot in Ladakh and a part in Srisailam. However, the film-makers are yet to zero-in on the female lead. Stay tuned to this place for more details about the heroine, other artistes and technicians.
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