The first schedule of Nandu Upcoming film 'Kannulo Nee Rupamey' has been wrapped up and the production unit is happy with the work done so far. The film's shooting started about 10 – 12 days ago and the next schedule will begin soon. The film is being produced by Bhasakar Basani on ASP Creative arts, New Director Bix Erusatla is taking care of this project and he is very optimistic about this project. Young music director saketh is composing the tunes for this movie.
Tejaswani Prakash wons SIIMA
Sandalwood actress Tejaswani Prakash, is playing the lead role in this heart touching romantic and comedy entertainer and this is going to be her Thirds Telugu film. Mean while this Sensuous diva always tops the charts both for her ravishing looks, stunning performances and fashionista appearances in kannada industry, And now, she has won a Award as people love to admire her. At the latest 2016 SIIMA she bagged the "Best Supporting Actress" award. This Beauty received the award for her amazing action in kannada movie 'Goolihatti' and also the amazing following she has through her films.
Tejaswani Prakash wons SIIMA
Sandalwood actress Tejaswani Prakash, is playing the lead role in this heart touching romantic and comedy entertainer and this is going to be her Thirds Telugu film. Mean while this Sensuous diva always tops the charts both for her ravishing looks, stunning performances and fashionista appearances in kannada industry, And now, she has won a Award as people love to admire her. At the latest 2016 SIIMA she bagged the "Best Supporting Actress" award. This Beauty received the award for her amazing action in kannada movie 'Goolihatti' and also the amazing following she has through her films.
-Press note
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