‘MEOW’ is an upcoming Comedy-Thriller film that has a Persian cat named ‘Selfie’ in the lead role. Produced by Vincent Adaikalaraj under the banner ‘Global Woods Movies’ and directed by renowned Ad Filmmaker, debutante Chinaas Palanisamy, the film ‘MEOW’ has Debutante Raja, Sun Music fame Sanjay Micky, Hayden, Kumar, Urmila Gayathri, Shiny in the lead roles and Daniel, Saigopi, Telephone Raj, Anand Raga, Stanley, Maina Balu and Child Artist Yuvina in the pivotal roles. For the very first time in the history if Indian Cinema, a cat plays a major role and the stunning computer graphics of Ramesh Acharya acts as a backbone for the film MEOW.
“We are very glad to see our Inky Pinky cat song is reaching 3 lakh viewers on Youtube…Selfies are very famous in nowadays among all age group people, especially youngsters….After Sivakarthikeyan’s ‘REMO’, Selfie became more popular among the Tamil Audience by the term ‘Oye Selfie’. Thanks to Siva for launching our MEOW’s audio, and we are pretty sure that our ‘SELFIE’ cat will earn the same pride from 30th December…..” says Producer Vincent Adaikalaraj of ‘Global Woods Movies’ enthusiastically.
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