Magnum opus Gautamiputhra Satakarni from National Award winning director Krish and legendary actor Nandamuri Balakrishna is setting new standards for Telugu historical movies in the United States. After a breathtaking start in foreign markets, the milestone 100th film from Balakrishna has now officially become first in his career to join $1.5 Million elite club.
Gautamiputhra Satakarni is a much excited project Telugu audience waited for long. Unique promotions, stunning visuals, distinctive content chronicling the glory of an unsung Telugu warrior emperor and his quest to unite entire India, brilliant direction, absorbing performances from lead artists, splendid camerawork, breathtaking dialogues and glorious production values,, GPS got everything needed for a blockbuster. Gautamiputhra Satakarni is an exemplary model for collective team work and success.
Balakrishna, Krish, Shriya and Rajiv Reddy’s success tour in the US coinciding with $1.5M achievement made this moment more memorable.
USA distributors Red Heart Movies and 9PM Entertainments here by expressed their sincere thanks to NRI Telugu audience for supporting GPS in becoming a tremendous blockbuster.
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