Tirupati, 28 March 2017: Maryada Purushottama Rama took the form of Sarvabhupala to ride on the celestial Sarvabhoopala Vahanam on the fourth day evening of Tuesday.
Sarva bhoopala meaning the God in charge of the earth, water and air become the pall bearers of his vehicle. Along with the Sarva Bhoopalas, the Dikpala’s of East-West and South-North etc. also join in the entourage of Lord Venkateswara in the procession on the holy Mada streets.“The objective is to display that all the Dikpalas of the universe were not just under the control of Lord Venkateswara but also that there was no chance for misuse of office by them under his diligent vigilance and directions.
They are listed in the legends of Tirumala as– Indra (East), Agni (south-east), Yama (god of death on the South), Niruti (North – East), Varuna on (West), Vayu (south-west) and Kubera (god of wealth on North) and Parameswara on (North-west). They are termed as Asta Dikpala’s who all are all in the service of Lord Venkateswara and work under his command.
The message that comes out of this vahanam of Sarva Bhoopala is to indicate that Lord Rama controlled the entire universe, the Dikpala’ etc. and perform the battle against evil elements to protect the people, which is the quality of a true leader.
Meanwhile there will be Garuda Vahanam on Wednesday evening.
DyEO Smt Munilakshmi, EE Sri Jagadeeswara Reddy, Temple Supdt Sri Uma Maheswara Reddy, Temple Inspector Sri Sesha Reddy and others took part.
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