Anjali, Andrea Jeremiah and Vasanth Ravi starrer 'Taramani' was released on August 11th in Tamil Nadu has been creating sensations with positive talk. Since the movie has many connecting elements such as exceptional taking and problems that youth are facing with new technology are portrayed winsomely, the movie has got blockbuster talk. Not just movie goers, even critics are lauding the film. D Venkatesh is presenting the film to Telugu spectators under DV Creations Banner with the same title of Taramani.
DV Creations Banner Chief Venkatesh said, "It's a triangular love story. The movie released on August 11th has got blockbuster talk and is creating collections tsunami at box office. The contemporary point opted by director Ram could impress one and all. While Universal hero Kamal Haasan launched trailer, superstar Rajinikanth released audio of the movie. Expectations were huge on the film from very beginning. Thankfully, it reached all the expectations and got super hit talk. Now, we are planning to release the movie in Telugu. Currently, dubbing works are in progress. We will wrap up all the works soon to release the movie by end of this month or in first week of September. Telugu spectators who always encourage unique films will surely make our film a bumper hit."
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