Actor Soundararaja had been introduced to the Tamil film industry through his film Sundarapandian. Proceeding which he had acted in Varuthapadaatha Vaalibar Sangam,Jigardhanda,Ennaku Veru Engum Kizhaigal Kidayadhu, Thangaratham, Dharmadurai, Oru Kanavu Pola and Thiruttu Payaley -2.
He is currently acting in movies like Silukuvaarpatti Singam, Eeduley, and Kadaikutty Singam in a very vital role of the film.
Besides being an actor Soundararaja is known for his humanity through his continues social service activities. Popularly “the Jallikattu Protest”, Plantation of Trees, Eradication of Karuvelam trees and much more.
Actor Soundararaja, who is known to be good friends of Director Samuthrakani, Sasi Kumar, S.R.Prabhakaran, Seenu Raamasamy and Actors Vijay Sethupathy, Vishal, Karthi is now the new Groom.
He is getting married to Tamanna who is a young Entrepreneur, a business women & the C.E.O of Green Apple Media Entertainments. Soundararaja and Tamanna’s Engagement was held grandly. The couple is getting married in the month of May at Usilampatti in the presence of their family, friends and celebrities of the film fraternity.
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