Recently producer Sumedha Suraj Ingle had invited guests and relatives for announcement of her debut Marathi film ‘JESUS’. The film is going to made under the banner of 'Tejas Film Production' and ‘Star Production’ and to be directed by Pankaj Aiwale.
The lead actors of the film, Suraj Hiwale, Shubham Ugale and Sejal Tayde, were present for the announcement. Music Director Nikhil Koparde, Executive Producer Nilesh Gamre & Santosh Bagam, Production Manager Navnath Javir and Media Consultant Manzer Shamim alongwith actors like Pranav Chavan, Bharat More, Vikas Thorat, Amol Thorat, Milind Tambe and Sonali Boraste, were also present for the announcement of the film. The cast include actors like Nagesh Bhosle, Uday Tikekar, Arun Nalawade, Girish Pardeshi, Ananda Karekar, Teja Deokar, Ashok Shinde, Chinmay Udgirkar, Vijay Patkar, Sanjay Vichare, etc.
‘JESUS’ is a Marathi movie based on philosophy of Jesus. The shoot of the movie will start in next month.
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