Raj Kiran is one director who has made two female-centric movies so early in his career. The director of 'Geethanjali' and 'Tripura' is now directing a thrilling drama titled 'Vishwamitra'. Based on true-life incidents, it's produced by Madhavi Addanki and Rajinikanth S. Its first schedule has been going on in Hyderabad for the past 10 days.
The makers have announced that Nanditha Raj of 'Prema Katha Chitram' fame has been roped in as the heroine. The actress's introduction scene, and some crucial police station scenes involving actor Prasanna have been shot.
Says director Raj Kiran, "The scenes have been created on the basis of certain real incidents that happened in Switzerland and America. An entertaining and curiosity-generating film, its major highlight will be the thrills it generates. Only because he loved the story, 'Jakkanna' director Akella Vamshi Krishna has come forward to pen the dialogues."
The cinematography is by Anil Bhandari. Editing is by Upendra. Art direction is by Chinna. Story and screenplay are by the director himself.
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