Noted producer C Kalyan has acquired the rights of the movie ‘Lakshmi’ starring Prabhudeva and Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead roles. The film is written and directed by AL Vijay and marks the debut of Ditya Bhande who is the winner of kids dance reality show, Super Dancer season one.
‘Lakshmi’ is a musical dance based film while Prabhudeva will be seen in the role of mentor to Ditya in the movie. The two teasers and songs which were released earlier got superb response and decent expectations are on the movie.
On this note, producer C Kalyan has announced the audio release and theatrical release dates of ‘Lakshmi’ on August 12th and August 24th respectively.
The film also stars Kovai Sarala, Salman Yusuff Khan, Chams, Akshat Singh, Jeet Das and Sam Paul in supporting roles.
Sam CS has composed music for the film while Nirav Shah has handled the cinematography.
Cast: Prabhudeva, Aishwarya Rajesh, Kovai Sarala, Ditya Bhande, Salman Yusuff Khan, Chams, Akshat Singh, Jeet Das and Sam Paul among others.
Written and directed by: AL Vijay
Producers: C Kalyan, Prateek Chakravorty, Shruti Nallappa and R. Ravindran
Banners: CK Entertainments, Pramod Films and Trident Arts
Music: Sam CS
DoP: Nirav Shah
Editor: Anthony
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