
Training of Trainers Programme on Forest Fire Management

A Training of Trainers (ToT) programme was conducted for Forest Officers from various forest divisions in the state at TS Forest Academy, Dulapally. A total of 61 officers ranging from Range Officers, Dy.Range Officers, Section Officers and Beat Officers attended the two day programme.
PCCF (IT&P) Sri.Raghuveer detailed the department’s strategy for 2019 as “Zero Forest Fire Year”. He called for systematic planning for Prevention, Detection, Supression and post-fire management. Mass awareness programme is called for to make every right holder, users and all persons in villages adjoining the forest areas. Specific groups like Beedileaf collectors, Grazers, Mahua collectors, etc are to be targeted for helping forest department in preventing, detecting and suppressing forest fires. Ts Forest department entered in to MOU with NRSC and is able to send SMS based alerts to all field officers to take immediate action on forest fires. In the evening, Sri.Vallampatla Nageswar Rao, a retired teacher and writer, presented a dance-drama prepared for creating mass awareness on forest fires.
Sri.VarlaPapaiah, Regional Fire Officer of TS Fire & Disaster Management Services department along with his officers explained the services that their department can provide. Live demonstration was made on the equipment used by the department in fire fighting. The live demonstrations really helped the forest officers in overcoming the fear of dealing with fires.
Sri.Ravindran of At Freelancing company, Bangalore, demonstrated various equipment, dresses used in fire fighting. Many of the products are found very impressive and participants eagerly examined each product. Sri.Nagabhushanam, FDO Kinnerasani Wildlife Sanctuary gave a live demonstration of equipment that has been used in fire fighting like Blower, rakes, Boots, gloves, etc. Fire line was created and controlled burning, control of fire spread using Blower was demonstrated.
The participants were divided in to ten groups and each group was assigned one topic related to forest fire management. The group members discussed the given topic and made presentations. All group presentations, action plan and materials were supplied to the participants.
All participants highly appreciated the training and showed high level of preparedness for conducting trainings at their division level before 8th January 2019. 
-Press note

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