Angry Star, Dr. Rajasekhar is back with his new movie Kalki. Prashanth Varma, the talented director, who impressed with 'Awe' is directing the movie Kalki. Presented by Shivani & Shivatmika, Kalki is being produced on Happy Movies banner by C Kalyan. The film has completed its shoot and the makers are all set to release the film on the 28th of this month.
On this occasion, producer C Kalyan said "Kalki is an out and out commercial potboiler. The commercial trailer which was released has received a tremendous response and the same will happen with the film once it releases. Very soon, we will release the songs and also announce the pre-release event's date. Music Director Shravan Bhardwaj has given good tunes and is composing a terrific background score. The post-production is on in full swing and Kalki will release on June 28th".
Jeevitha Rajasekhar said " Kalki is a different mass entertainer which suits the image of Rajasekhar perfectly. The film has created a superb buzz in social media and the trailer is already trending on YouTube. Director Prashanth Varma has showcased the film and Rajasekhar in a new style which all the fans and audience will love. Prashanth Varma's stylish narration will be the highlight of the film".
Last but not least, director Prashanth Varma said "Kalki is a superb thriller. The audience will love the film and enjoy it like an India-Pakistan cricket match. The thrills are an edge of the seat and C Kalyan has given me free hand on the budget which will show on the screen in a grand manner. The song "Horn Ok Please" sung by Lalitha Kavya will be out on Wednesday."
Star Cast
Dr. Rajasekhar, Adah Shrma, Nadhitha Shwetha, Poojita Ponnada, Scarlet Wilson, Rahul Ramakrishna, Nasser, Ashutosh Rana, Shiddu Jonnalagadda, Charan Deep. Venu Gopal, Bennela Ramarao, D S Rao, Satish(Banti) play key roles.
Technical Crew
Cameraman - Dasaradhi Sivendra
Music- Shravn Bhardwaj
Art - Nagendra
Editor- Gautam Berusu
Stills - Murthy
Lyrics - Krishnakanth
Costume Designer - Aditi Agarwal
Fights- Naga Venkat, Robin-Subbu
Production Controlelr - Bala Gopal Rao
Chief-Co-Director - Madhava Sai
Line Producer - Venkat Kumar Jetty
Producer-C Kalyan
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