Aadhi’s Clap kick-starts second schedule in Hyderabad
Director Prithvi Aditya says, “We have started shooting our new schedule in Hyderabad now and it will have racy climax portions shot in the Athletic stadiums amidst massive crowd. Right now, we are shooting for a dance number composed by Maestro Isaignani Ilayaraja sir. Art director Vairabalan has done a fabulous job erecting grand set works at Ramoji Film City worth Rs. 50 Lac and Dinesh master is giving his over-the-top spell with Monal Gajjar performing it. With Aadhi sir enjoying a huge fan base in Telugu territories much alike Tamil, we are making this film as a bilingual one. I thank producer IB Karthikeyan sir of Big Print Pictures for banking his hopes on a debutant filmmaker like me and spend lavishly, especially for set works, which pushes us to work beyond our abilities and deliver the finest outputs.”
Being simultaneously made in Tamil and Telugu, the film features Akansha Singh and Krisha Kurup in lead roles alongside Aadhi Pinisetty. The others in the star-cast comprises of Nassar, who plays a major antagonist and Prakash Raj in an important role. In addition, Munishkanth will be seen performing a prominent role and will appear throughout the movie. The cinematography is handled by Praveen Kumar, who shot to fame for his visual works in ‘Jiivi’ and Star Sports show “Mannin Maindhargal”. P.Prabha Prem, G. Manoj & G. Sri Harsha have co-produced the film.
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