This year's Mandala Pooja will be held on the 27th of December at the Sabarimala Ayyappa Sannidhanam. The pooja will be held on the 27th at 3 pm. There will be the Neyabhisheka (anointment of ghee) on the day from 3.15 to 9.30. The mandala puja with the deity clad in Thanka Anki will be held between 10 am and 11.40 am. Deeparadhana will be held at 6.30 pm. The Athazhapooja will be held at 9.30 pm. The nada will be closed after reciting the Harivarasana at 11 in the night. The Thanka Anki procession will arrive in the evening on the 26th of December. The Thanka Anki will be taken in procession under the auspices of the Travancore Devaswom Board after receiving at Saramkuthi. Then there will the Deeparadhana pooja.
The temple will be closed from 7.30 am to 11.30 am due to the solar eclipse on the 26th. The nada will be re-opened after the necessary poojas. 27 days after the opening of the temple as part of the Mandala-Makara Vilakku Festival, Sabarimala is witnessing a heavy crowd of devotees. The temple will open on December 30 at 5 pm for the Makara Vilakku Festival. The Makara Vilakku is on January 15, 2020.
The temple will be closed from 7.30 am to 11.30 am due to the solar eclipse on the 26th. The nada will be re-opened after the necessary poojas. 27 days after the opening of the temple as part of the Mandala-Makara Vilakku Festival, Sabarimala is witnessing a heavy crowd of devotees. The temple will open on December 30 at 5 pm for the Makara Vilakku Festival. The Makara Vilakku is on January 15, 2020.
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