Naga Shaurya and his team opted to aggressive promotions for his film Aswathama directed by first timer Ramana Teja and made under his home production Ira Creations. The young hero who penned story for the film has announced to release the teaser on 27th of this month.
All the promotional content- posters, motion poster and first single Ninne Ninne got excellent response. The poster hints that the teaser is going to be full on action elements.
Mehreen Pirzada plays Naga Shaurya's love interest in the first directed by Ramana Teja.
The makers of Aswathama are planning grand release on January 31st.
Main Leads - Naga Shaurya, Mehreen Pirzada
Producer - Usha Mulpuri
Story - Naga Shaurya
Director - Ramana Teja
DOP - Manojh Reddy
Music - Sricharan Pakala
Editor - Garry BH
Line Producer - Bujji
Digital - MNS Gowtham
Dialogues - Parasuram Srinivas
Action Directors - Anbariv
Choreograoher - Viswa Raghu
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