Initially, filmmaker Manoj Ram had mentioned that ‘Natchatraa’ is a mystery thriller, but the first look kindles in us a stiff curiosity to know if there are supernatural elements involved as well. Clarifying on this, Manoj Ram says, “Certain things are better when experienced directly on big screens rather than the team speaking about it. That’s the mysterious part of ‘Natchatraa’ that I believe audiences will find it worth watching in theatres.”
Speaking on his experience as a debutant, Manoj adds, “It might look like a flattery statement, but it’s a blatant truth. If not for the belief that producers Premnath Chidambaram and Vellay Sethu sir, CEO, Preniss International (OPC) Pvt Ltdhad on my script, this would have not been possible. We are all happy as a team now to see the project being shaped up exactly as we planned. Vidharth’s inmost dedication over offering abundant life to his character will be reflected in each and every scene. His character is more like man of few words and silent action, but it will be retained in our minds even after the film is over. We are now close on the heels of completing the final stages of work and will be soon making official announcements on the film’s audio, trailer and theatrical release.”
Anjali Nair (Nedunaal Vaadai fame) will be seen playing Vidharth’s wife and others in the star-cast includes Sendrayan, Santhosh Prathap, Sangili Murugan, Aadukalam Naren and Lakshmi Priya appearing in important roles. Produced by Premnath Chidambaram and Vellay Sethu, CEO, Preniss International (OPC) Pvt Ltd, the film’s technicians are Barath Raghavan (Music), N.S. Uthaya Kumar (Cinematography), Mani Kumaran (Editing), A.B.R (Art) and Rajashekar (Stunts).
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