A team led by duty magistrates and executive magistrates in Pampa Triveni and KSRTC area hotels and at Sannidhanam has been fined Rs 2,31,000 for various violations. Inappropriate items were seized at Pampa's inspection. They seized rotten grapes, oranges, and vegetables and fined the vendors. They also banned the cooking of food in unhygienic conditions. Employees without a health card were also found in the inspection. Legal action will be initiated against the serious lapses, said the duty magistrate. Inspections carried out in and around Pampa for the past three days have resulted in a fine of Rs 103000. They have also given the warning to provide clean food to pilgrims. The inspection was conducted under the guidance of Duty Magistrate VR Vinod and Executive Magistrate PR Shine at Pampa.
In Sannidhanam, under the leadership of a duty magistrate, inspected the shops and hotels in three squads. They also monitor whether excessive prices are charged and illegal activities are in progress. Between January 7 and 10, the squad at Sannidhanam fined 1,2,8000 from 21 shops for overcharging and other violations. The hotel which was located near the illegal Koprakala has been locked up by the duty magistrate. The inspection was conducted under the guidance of duty magistrate V. Jayamohan.
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