Badri Venkatesh, director of the film says, “The entire process of shooting this film has been a great experience. The way we complemented and encouraged each other enabled us to wrap up the shoot at this pace. It’s been a phenomenal experience to all of us as we shot across some of the beautiful locations. Apart from Chennai, we have filmed this project in Vagamon, Idukki, Gangtok and Kupup located near the Chinese border. We are now immediately kick-starting the Post-Production work and will soon revealing the film’s title along with first look.”
It is noteworthy that the team has accomplished with some commendable tasks of shooting a particular schedule with 125 technicians. The film has lots of reasons to keep us brimmed with good expectations for the presence of talented artistes far-famed for their humorous spell. This includes M.S. Bhaskar, Santhana Bharathi, Bala Saravanan, Rekha, Marimuthu, Viji Chandrashekar, Robo Shankar, Munishkant, Aadukalam Narain, ‘Pazhaya Joke’ Thangadurai, Madurai Sujatha and many others.
Produced by Rajesh Kumar and L Sinthan for Positive Print Studios, the film has musical score by Yuvan Shankar Raja and cinematography handled by B. Rajasekar. The others in the technical crew are – Sam RDX (Editing), Saravanan (Art), Kalyan (Choreography), Stunner Sam (Action), AC Karunamoorthy (Story) and RK (Dialogues).
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