Speaking about the film, director Hari Uthraa said, “Kaltha will have a depiction of how every ordinary individual in our society must be aware about the crisis happening around them. This isn’t completely based on true story, but is deeply influenced by the real life incidents involving the medical wastes deposited in areas like Nagercoil, Kerala-Tamil Nadu border. The film’s lead characters played by Siva Nishanth and Merku Thodarchi Malai fame Antony is inspired from today’s youngsters, who aren’t limiting their active presence only with memes and social media but comes out to the streets and show their revolution.”
Actor Siva Nishanth said, “This is a film that deals with a serious issue happening amidst us. It will be an entertaining film and at the same time will have a message to carry back home.”
Produced by Malarkodi Ragupathy, S Hari Uthraa and R.Usha for Malar Movie Makers in association with I Creations, the film has a star-cast including Antony of Merku Thodarchi Malai fame, Siva Nishanth, Ayraa, Divya, Appukutty, Gajaraj, Rajasimman, Tiger Thangadurai, Suresh, Muthuveera and Kaaka Muttai Sasi in important roles.
The film has musical score by K. Jai Krish and cinematography handled by B. Vasu with Muthu Muniasamy as the editor. Vairamuthu and Vidyasaagar are penning lyrics for the songs.
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