Allu Aravind, the noted producer who runs Geetha Arts, has previously presented super hit films like 'Bhale Bhale Magadivoi', 'Geetha Govindam', 'Taxiwaala', and 'Prathi Roju Pandage', which were produced under GA 2 Pictures banner. Young and intelligent producer,Bunny Vas has launched another project under this combination. Starring RX 100 fame, Karthikeya in the lead role, this film has Lavanya Tripathi as the lady lead and debutante, Koushik Pegallapati at the helm. The project was formally launched with a Pooja ceremony at Film Nagar Daivasannidhaanam. Allu Aravind's granddaughter Baby Anvitha sounded the first clap and stylish star Allu Arjun's son Allu Ayaan switched on the camera. Allu Aravind directed the first shot. Karthikeya will be seen as 'Basthi Balaraju' in 'Chaavu Kaburu Challagaa'.
Jakes Bejoy is composing the soundtrack for the film and ace cinematographer, Sunil Reddy is cranking the camera. Sathya will be the editor, while Manish A Dutt will be the production designer. Raghava Karuturi is the executive producer. The regular shoot will commence from February 19th and more details will be out soon.
Cast: Karthikeya, Lavanya Tripathi, Amani, Srikanth Ayyangar, Mahesh, Badhram, etc.
Banner: GA 2 Pictures
Presented by: Allu Aravind
Music: Jakes Bejoy
Cinematographer: Sunil Reddy
Production designer: Manish A Dutt
Executive producer: Raghava Karuturi
Editor: Sathya
PRO: Eluru Sreenu
Producer: Bunny Vas
Director: Koushik Pegallapati
Jakes Bejoy is composing the soundtrack for the film and ace cinematographer, Sunil Reddy is cranking the camera. Sathya will be the editor, while Manish A Dutt will be the production designer. Raghava Karuturi is the executive producer. The regular shoot will commence from February 19th and more details will be out soon.
Cast: Karthikeya, Lavanya Tripathi, Amani, Srikanth Ayyangar, Mahesh, Badhram, etc.
Banner: GA 2 Pictures
Presented by: Allu Aravind
Music: Jakes Bejoy
Cinematographer: Sunil Reddy
Production designer: Manish A Dutt
Executive producer: Raghava Karuturi
Editor: Sathya
PRO: Eluru Sreenu
Producer: Bunny Vas
Director: Koushik Pegallapati
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