Pooja Kumar, who was signed by the makers of actor Sibiraj starrer ‘Kabadadaari’ to play a vital role has been replaced by Suman Ranganathan, popular actress of films in South languages. Interestingly, there are lots of highlighting traits that revolves around her part in this film. She had essayed the same role in the original Kannada version. In addition, she had won the hearts of audiences by sharing screen space with some of the leading heroes in 90s (acted in films like Vijayakanth's Maanagara Kaaval, Arjun's Mettupatti Mirasu) & a few years back in Ajithkumar's Aarambam and this film marks her comeback in Tamil industry.
Dhananjayan G, Creative Producer of Creative Entertainers and Distributors says, “We are very much happy to have Suman Ranganathan onboard to play this role. In fact, we were so much excited to sign Pooja Kumar for playing this role. Unfortunately, she couldn’t be a part of this film due to her sudden journey to USA.
Suman who had earlier played the same character in Kannada version (Kavaludaari) has done a fabulous job for she had already knows the flavour of it. Furthermore, Suman felt really happy for she is making her comeback through this film after a long hiatus in Tamil cinema. Having been a part of some good Tamil movies, she later got busy in Kannada industry and now we feel excited to bring her back here to K-Town. She has already completed shooting her portions, which includes a grand song sequence that we filmed it on a grand set erected in Chennai.”
Speaking about the current status of the film, Dhananjayan G, who is creative producer of this film apart writing the adapted screenplay and dialogues along with John Mahendran, says that only 20 more days are left for the entire shoot to wrap up.
Produced by Lalitha Dhananjayan for Creative Entertainers and Distributors, the film stars Sibiraj and Nandita Swetha in lead roles. The others in the star-cast includes Nasser, Jayaprakash and J Satish Kumar. Simon K King (Music), Rasamathi (Cinematography), Praveen KL (Editor), Videsh (Art Director), M. Hemanth Rao (Story) and Dhananjayan Govind-John Mahendran (Adapted Screenplay-Dialogues) are the others in the technical team.
With just 20 more days for the shooting to wrap up, the makers are planning to release the film for Summer 2020.
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