Today (April 22) is the birthday of Shivathmika Rajasekhar, the younger daughter of Rajasekhar and 'Dorasaani' debutante. Marking the occasion, she has donated a sum of Rs 1 lakh to the Telangana CM Relief Fund. Her elder sister Shivani donated another Rs 1 lakh. On Wednesday morning, the duo handed over cheques to Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao, Minister of IT. Cinematography Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav was present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, the Shivathmika-Shivani duo said, "The state and central governments are taking the right measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. We have come forward to do our bit in terms of monetary contribution. We hope that the public will confine themselves to their homes and strictly adhere to instructions given by the government. Stay home. Stay safe."
-----------------TWITTER TEXT---------------------
. @ActorRajasekhar daughters @Rshivani_1 and @ShivathmikaR
donate Rs 2 lakh to Telangana #CMReliefFund . Today the duo handed over cheques to @KTRTRS (Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao, Minister of IT). Cinematography Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav was present on the occasion.
donate Rs 2 lakh to Telangana #CMReliefFund . Today the duo handed over cheques to @KTRTRS (Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao, Minister of IT). Cinematography Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav was present on the occasion.
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