Tirupati, 18 Apr. 20: With the government announcing some relaxation from April 20 onwards, TTD has decided to provide annaprasadam in Tirupati only till April 25.
It may be recalled that TTD has been providing Annaprasadam to shelterless, jobless daily wagers, beggars in Tirupati since March 28 as they couldn't earn their bread in view of lockdown.
Every day TTD has been providing 1.40lakh food packets to the needy in Tirupati Urban and Rural areas.
Besides, to quench the hunger of stray dogs and cattle in the temple city, TTD has provided three tonnes of fodder to cattle and two meals a day to streets dogs since April 1.
In view of the decision of Government, TTD will wind up food and fodder distribution from April 25 onwards as the jobless daily wagers might commence their work from April 20 onwards.
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