Starring Akhil Akkineni in the lead role and presented by Allu Aravind, 'Most Eligible Bachelor' is being directed by Bommarillu Bhaskar. Bunny Vas who scored multiple blockbusters like Bhale Bhale Magadivoi, Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham, Geetha Govindam, and Prathi Roju Pandage is producing the film. Noted director-producer Vasu Varma is co-producing the film. Butta Bomma Pooja Hegde is romancing Akhil Akkineni in the film. A new poster of the film was released today and it is gaining a good response from netizens.
Pooja Hegde romancing Akhil Akkineni
The poster which was released today shows Pooja Hegde teasing Akhil. It has a romantic vibe to it. Bommarillu Bhaskar who is known for making feel good love stories is in his elements with 'Most Eligible Bachelor. Akhil looks dynamic in the poster and he depicts an ideal bachelor. Pooja Hegde is at her usual best and adds a glamorous touch to the poster. Their pairing is eye-catching.
'Most Eligible Bachelor', a lovely family entertainer
Over 70% of the film has been shot already and just a schedule is remaining. The shoot will resume once the Covid-19 effect is nullified. Gopi Sundar is working on the soundtrack during the lockdown period. Post production works are underway. Also, the poster indicates that the film is up for 2021 Pongal release.
Star cast:
Akhil Akkineni
Pooja Hegde
Murali Sharma
Jaya Prakash
Sudugaali Sudheer
Get-up Sreenu
Technical team
Director: Bommarillu Bhaskar
Music: Gopi Sundar
Cinematography: Pradeep M Sharma
Art director: Avinash Kolla
Producers: Bunny Vas, Vasu Varma
Presented by: Allu Aravind
Banner: GA2 Pictures
Pooja Hegde romancing Akhil Akkineni
The poster which was released today shows Pooja Hegde teasing Akhil. It has a romantic vibe to it. Bommarillu Bhaskar who is known for making feel good love stories is in his elements with 'Most Eligible Bachelor. Akhil looks dynamic in the poster and he depicts an ideal bachelor. Pooja Hegde is at her usual best and adds a glamorous touch to the poster. Their pairing is eye-catching.
'Most Eligible Bachelor', a lovely family entertainer
Over 70% of the film has been shot already and just a schedule is remaining. The shoot will resume once the Covid-19 effect is nullified. Gopi Sundar is working on the soundtrack during the lockdown period. Post production works are underway. Also, the poster indicates that the film is up for 2021 Pongal release.
Star cast:
Akhil Akkineni
Pooja Hegde
Murali Sharma
Jaya Prakash
Sudugaali Sudheer
Get-up Sreenu
Technical team
Director: Bommarillu Bhaskar
Music: Gopi Sundar
Cinematography: Pradeep M Sharma
Art director: Avinash Kolla
Producers: Bunny Vas, Vasu Varma
Presented by: Allu Aravind
Banner: GA2 Pictures
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