Hyderabad, Aug 24: The Ganesha idol kept at iconic Darbar Hall at Raj Bhavan was immersed in a low key ceremony at the Fish Pond in the Raj Bhavan complex, here on Monday evening.
Earlier, Governor Dr.
Tamilisai Soundararajan along with her husband Dr. Soundararajan has performed
special puja and offered prayers before moving the clay Ganesha idol.
Governor Secretary K. Surendra Mohan, Joint
Secretaries J Bhavani Shankar and CN Raghu Prasad and other senior officers
joined the Governor and her husband in the puja.
Later, staff members of
the Raj Bhavan carried the idol amidst chants of Jai Bolo Ganapathi Maharaj ki
and Ganapati Bappa Morya and immersed at the Fish Pond located abutting the
Main House, the official residence of the Governor.
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