Adah Sharma's new movie "Question Mark (?)" first look poster was launched by Telangana Cinematographer Minister Thalasani Srinivas Yadav. It's a Horror Thriller film directed by Vipra and Gouri Krishna is producing it under Shree Krishna Creations banner.
Speaking on this occasion Minister Thalasani Srinivas Yadav said "Question Mark film poster is very gripping. I appreciate the whole team for making this film. Due to Carona Virus, People are missing the films and Entertainment and I think this film "Question Mark (?)" will entertain everyone".
Producer Gouri Krishna said "I thank Thalasani Srinivas Yadav for releasing our film first look poster. I thank each and every technician for supporting us. I thank Adah Sharma for doing this film. We are very confident that our movie will be hit".
Director Vipra said "Our First Look poster was released by Thalasani Srinivas Yadav and we are very happy for the output. We thank each and everyone for supporting us".
Heroine Adah Sharma said "We shot the whole film on Carona Time and we wrapped it. I started dubbing for this film and Output is very good. I am very lucky to get this film offer and I am very excited about the film".
Gouru Ghana presents
Banner : Shree Krishna Creations
Movie Title : Question Mark (?)
Actors : Adha Sharma, Sanjay, Bhanu Sri, Abhay, Hari Teja, Akshatha Srinivas, Ajay, etc
Cinematographer : Vamshi Prakash
Editor : Uddhav
Art Director : Upender Reddy
Music Director Raghu Kunche
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