The makers of Chavu kaburu challaga have launched the first song titled My name is raju from the audio album today. This character intro single has a catchy tune and grows on its listeners.
Jakes Bejoy composed the song and indian idlo winner revanth crooned it. karunakar adigarla penned some dynamic lyrics.
The song has garnered a positive response already and it is expected to take social media by a storm in the days to follow. The album is getting released by well know music label Adity Music
The film has young hero karthikeya, Bubbly beauty lavanya tripati in the lead roles.
Chaavu Kaburu Challaga is being directed by Koushik Pegallapati and produced by Bunny Vas. Alread the makers of this movie have announced that this rustic romantic entertainer will be hitting the big screens across the globe on 19th of March.
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