Vishal’s latest is titled ‘Chakra’ in MS Anandan’s direction. Shraddha Srinath is playing as heroine while Regina Cassandra is doing a key role. Vishal is producing this film with high technical values under his Vishal Film Factory banner. 'Chakra' marks 10th film in the successful collaboration of Vishal and Yuvan Shankar Raja. Teaser , Trailer and Songs released so far have received thumping response. Team has officially announced that they are releasing the film worldwide on Feb 19th.
Action Hero Vishal said, " 'Chakra' is an intriguing Action Thriller about digital crimes which is a major threat in today's world. The film will release in a grand manner in four South Indian languages on February 19th worldwide."
Action Hero Vishal, Shraddha Srinath, Regina Cassandra, Manobala, Robo Shankar, KR Vijay, Srushti Dange
Cinematography: Balasubramaniam, Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja, Produced by Vishal, Written & Directed by MS Anandan
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