Harsh Kanumilli and Simran Choudary starrer new film Sehari teaser has been launched today. The team is opting for unique promotions and the teaser announcement video where Harsh was called virgin star has helped garnering good buzz. Strategically, they included Balakrishna’s speech in Sehari teaser.
It is known that, Balakrishna referred Harsh Kanumilli as virgin star and the team too decided to call him by this tagline. “In vote of thanks, we have included Balakrishna speech in Sehari’s teaser,” said the makers.
Harsh Kanumilli has played the role of Varun who leads a joyful life with his girlfriend, until he breaks up with her. In anger, he takes a senseless decision to enter next phase of life. i.e. entering wedlock.
But he realizes that she is not the right choice after becoming close with Simran Choudary who happens to be his fiancée’s elder sister.
Harsh Kanumilli’s comic timing is one of the major highlights of the teaser.
Gangasagar Dwaraka has made Sehari as a crazy rom-com laced with youthful elements. Prashanth R Vihari’s background score is captivating.
Advaya Jishnu Reddy in partnership with Shilpa Chowdary is producing the production No 1 of Virgo Pictures which is in post-production stages and is gearing up for release soon.
Music director Koti plays a key role in the movie.
Cast: Harsh Kanumilli, Simran Choudary, Abhinav Gomatam, Praneeth Reddy, Anisha Alla, Akshitha Harish, Koti, Balakrishna and others.
Technical Crew:
Director: Gnanasagar Dwaraka
Producer: Advaya Jishnu Reddy, Shilpa Chowdary
D.O.P: Suresh Sarangam
Music Director: Prashanth R Vihari
Editor: Raviteja Girijala
Art Director: Sahi Suresh
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