
Independence Day Speech of Honourable Chief Minister Sri Kalvakuntla Chandra Shekhar Rao On 15-08-2021

I Convey Independence Day Greetings to entire people of Telangana State.  This is the occasion of Platinum Jubilee celebrations of Indian Independence.   This is a unique event in history of nation.  On this occasion, the entire nation is reminiscing magnificent events in the struggle for achieving the independence and the glorious sacrifices of freedom fighters.  I whole heartedly render tributes to the great personalities who sacrificed their livesfor the freedom of our country.

          On this occasion we should discern the darker and lighter phases of 75-year-old independent India.  What we have achieved? We should evaluate once what should be achieved. On one hand, country had achieved progress in many sectors to some extent. At the same time, till today there is pitiable situation where people are still struggling for basic amenities in many states. There is necessity to still apply the great words of Mahakavi Sri Sri stating that, “it is not enough to feel happy and convene meetings that we got independence and it is also a mistake if we feel satisfied with what we achieved and thinking that it is a success”.

          I am wishing that the people of India should rededicate themselves for building the future of the country with more commitment, honesty, harmony and equality.

          Taking the idealness in the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violent national movement, we achieved success fighting for achieving Telangana State. From the advent of achieving the own state, the Government of Telangana is striving forward focusing on solving the problems of the people and with an aim of developing the state comprehensively and in planned manner.  It evolved plans and is implementing them for the development of all sectors and for the welfare of all communities. 

          In the way of leading the state progressively, many hurdles, problems, challenges, and many adverse situations were encountered, but with the blessings of people of the state we overcame all these difficulties and marching forward.  It is well known fact that there is no comparison between the situations prior to the formation of Telangana State in all the sectors and after the formation of Telangana State.  We were able to unleash development qualitatively and quantitatively in all the sectors.  People are enjoying the fruits of progress.  We resolved permanently the power crisis, drinking water problem and irrigation problems and today Telangana State stands proudly as an ideal to the country in these sectors.

          With the foresight planning and due to stringent financial disciplinein administration, within the short span of seven years Telangana carved into a wealthy state with sustainable financial development.  When Telangana was formed in 2013-2014, the State Gross Domestic Product is Rs.4,51,580 Crores.  Even though the Covid pandemic had created severe hurdles for financial growth, in 2020-2021 our State Gross Domestic Product is recorded as Rs.9,80,407 Crores.

          Likewise, when the state was formed in 2013-2014 financial year our State Per Capita Income was Rs.1,12,216, whereas now the Telangana State Per Capita Income reached to Rs.2,37,632.Presently, our country Per Capita Income is recorded as Rs.1,28,829.  It is to be noticed that the Telangana State Per Capita Income is more than that of the country Per Capita Income.  As per the statistics revealed by the Central Government, I am feeling proud to say that our state is at first place in Per Capita Income when we compare our state with the big states having more than 10 Parliamentary seats.

          Telangana made history as the state that overcame the power crisis.  TRS Government has strengthened the power sector to that extent.  Our Telangana state is one and only state to supply uninterrupted 24 hours quality power to all sectors and free electricity to all the farmers.  When Telangana state was formed, the Installed Power Capacity was 7788MW only.  Due to unprecedented efforts of Telangana Government, the Installed Power Capacity increased to 16,425 MW today.  When Telangana state was formed only 71MW Solar Power was generated under the aegis of Government.  Presently, our state is having 400MW Solar Power Capacity.  I am proudly saying that our Telangana stands second in country in the production of Solar Power Generation.  In the early days of formation of Telangana State, State Per Capita Power Utilization was 1356 units.  Due to extraordinary development in Power Sector, the State Per Capita Power Utilization at present is increased to 2012 units.  When we compare with National Per Capita Power Utilization, our State Per Capita Utilization is 73% more.  I am humbly saying that Telangana stood at first place among the big states in the country in Per Capita Utilization.Yadadri Thermal Power Plant which is being constructed with 4000 MW generation capacity in our Nalgonda district is the first very huge Ultra Mega Thermal Power Plant which is being constructed in Government sector. I am feeling very happy to say that Telangana will emerge as Surplus Power State after this plant commences its operation.  Telangana is one and only state to supply safe drinking water through taps to every household with Mission Bhagiratha Scheme.

          If we continue to speak likewise, our state is better than other states in the country in many sectors and in many aspects. Many states are approaching us to follow and implement our policies.  They are studying our schemes and our programmes.  TRS Government unleashed the miracle of transforming the newly carved State into an ideal State to other states within a short span. 

Unprecedented development in Agricultural Sector:

          Agricultural sector collapsed in combined state.  Farmers committed suicides due to not getting irrigation water, no electricity, no crops and due to not clearing debts taken for investment.

          Telangana was stricken with continual tragic events.  Due to discrimination and sedition of erstwhile combined rulers, Telanganasuffered severe destruction of lifestyle. 

          But today the scenario changed.  In our own state with the magnificent efforts of Telangana Government, unprecedented development is recorded in Agricultural sector.  Once Telangana state was synonym for drought and distress.  Presently, same Telangana State in 2020-21 agricultural year, achieved yield of 3,40,00,000 total tonnage of all agricultural produce and stood at the pinnacle of entire country. Agricultural sector contributes about 20% of State GDP.  This is an ample proof that Government transformed Agriculture as a festivity which was earlier considered a waste.  Telangana carved itself as crops growing state with achieved agricultural prosperity. In combined state, for our necessities and for supply of ration rice for the poor, rice was imported from Punjab and other states.  They were not useful even to eat.  But, today the farmers of Telangana are feeding not only Telangana but also the people of entire country.  Telangana was carved as “RICE BOWL OF INDIA”.

          It is needless to mention that this kind of revolutionary change will occur with sheer magic and enchantment.   I humbly plead that this unprecedented development is a consequence of continual intellectual acumen and effective planning.   Through restoration of tanks through Mission Kakatiya, construction of irrigation projects at swift pace, 24 hours free power, strengthening of Agricultural department, formation of Agricultural clusters, Rythubandhu, Rythubhima schemes, Rythuvedikalu, construction of threshing floors near agricultural fields, improvement in Godowns facility, timely supply of fertilizers and seeds and other programs, Government has created new zeal in Agricultural sector. Farmers were given confidence and assurance that Government is with them.  TRS Government laid strong foundation for substantial increase in agricultural produce in the state. 

          Telangana Government achieved unprecedented progress in yield and purchase of food grains.

In the year 2013-14, the rice crop was cultivated in 49 lakh acres in Telangana whereas in the financial year 2020-21, the rice crop was cultivated in one crore six lakh acres.  The cotton crop was cultivated in an area of 60.54 lakh acres.  31 lakh 60 thousand bales of cotton were produced.  In cotton cultivation, Telangana stood in the second place in the country after the state of Maharashtra. Telangana cotton is known to be of the highest quality in the country and it is noteworthy to say that there is a high demand in the market.


Telangana, which was the second largest purchaser of grain in the country last year, is now leading towards number one position.

In last year Yasangi, our state was able to provide 56 percent of total grain procured by the food corporation of India nationwide.

The State Government has setup purchasing centres in every village and is procuring even last grain from farmers for remunerative prices.

Loan waiver to farmers :

          As per the assurance given during elections, the Government has already waived the crop loan up to 25 thousand of rupees to three lakh farmers.

          From tomorrow onwards, crop loans upto 50 thousand rupees are being waived for six lakh farmers in the state.

          This process will be completed by the end of this month.  With this, total of 9 lakh farmers will be relieved from loan burden.  The Government is also implementing this loanwaiver scheme in a phased manner for the remaining farmers.

          With the aim of getting more remunerative price for the crops grown by the farmers and for providing addition benefits to them, the Government is taking steps to establish rice mills, other food processing industries within the premise of erstwhile nine districts except Hyderabad

          It is the ambition of TRS Government to get a better price for the agricultural produce grown by the farmers and to enrich the livelihood of the farmers.

          The Telangana Government is a Government of farmers.  It has understood the root causes of the problems being faced by the farmers and took remedial steps.  New land administration policy has been introduced to change the situations leading to many land disputes over generations together. It removed the VRO system which is an impediment to progress.  Three years of hardwork helped to unleash Dharani portal that brought transparency in maintaining land records.

          With this, every inch of land in the state is recorded in Government records.  From now, Farmers can lead relaxed life.  No one has the power to revoke the land rights recorded in Dharani.

Welfare of the people :

          The State of Telangana is creating a golden era in welfare.  There is no exaggeration to say that not a single home was not been included in Government scheme.  The previous Governments had supported with only two hundred rupees of Aasara Pensions but Telangana Government is really extending support with Rs.2016/-.

          The eligibility of age has been reduced from 65 to 57 years to receive the old age pension in order to provide welfare benefits to wider range of people due to which, more distress people will get the Aasara support.

          The Telangana Government is extending the Aasara pension scheme to beedi workers, single women, handloom weavers, AIDS patients and victims of Elephantiasis, earlier this was limited only to the senior citizens widows and disabled persons.

          KalyanaLakshmi, Shaadi Mubarak schemes has been introduced with an intention that the marriage of poor girls should not be a burden to their parents.

          The scheme which was started with Rs. 51,000/- is at present giving one lakh one hundred sixteen.  All these were not promised during elections.  There are the schemes being implemented with the concept of humanity as the Government is aware of the hardships of the poor.

Insurance to the handloom weavers :

          The Telangana Government has designed several schemes to support the handloom weavers and is providing Aasara pensions to the handloom weavers also and is already providing yarn, chemicals, colors with 50 percent subsidy to the handloom weavers which is not present in any other state in the country.

          In order to extent more support to the families of handloom weavers, I am privileged to inform that the handloom insurance scheme will be implemented shortly on par with the RythuBhima which is being implemented for the farmers in the State.

          Unfortunately, if any handloom weavers die, an insurance amount of five lakh rupees will be deposited, in his family account under this scheme.  TRS Government is going to introduce. Special Corpus Fund support the handloom sector.

Government is fulfilling the dream of own house of poor who are exposed to sun & rain and also constructing double bed room houses in order to provide decent housing for the poor.

          Telangana Government unleashed at various places in state the splendid scenario where the poor are provided housing premises on par with gated community where rich will be living.  This is a continuous process.  This scheme will be implemented till it reaches the last beneficiary.

          At present the process of sanctioning of new ration cards in the state is still continuing.  The Government has sanctioned over a three lakh new ration cards.

Medical, Health :

          Since December, 2019 the hardships of Corona are beyond comprehension.  The Government has strived hard to overcome them, to protect the health of the people and save their lives.  Knowing that many people are dying with fear of disease, rather than disease, I myself visited Hyderabad, Warangal hospitals and greeted the Corona patients who are being treated there and tried to give confidence to them.  I alerted the medical staff.  At present in our state as there are 27,996 beds available in Government Covid health centres, in those beds, 17,114 beds were developed by the Government as Oxygen beds.  Shortly all beds will be changed as oxygen beds. The effort made by our doctors and medical staff in providing medical services to Corona patients is highly commendable.

          For bringing better medical services to every poor person in the state, Telangana Government has taken up many programmes. It hadImproved the facilities in Hospitals, provided dialysis like medical services, essential medicines and equipments. Now it resolved to undertake constructions of new hospitals with state of art facilities and to increase beds. It is providing diagnostic centres in all district centres.

 Presently these centres started functioning in some districts.  In these centres more than 50 tests will be done freely. 

With an intention to bring medical treatment at doorsteps of poor people living in Basthis, Telangana Government had started 224 Basthi Davakhanas.  These centres which are in Basthis, provide free medical tests and treatment.  It will also provide necessary medicines.  As these centres are nearby their residences, the distress of financial burden due to going to corporate Hospitals will be gone.

The poor people are happy that Basthi Hospitals have become a boon to them.   With the spirit of Basthi hospitals, the TRS Government is setting up “Rural Dispensaries” in rural areas. Doing for the first time in the country, the Telangana Government has embarked on an effort.  So far nurses are only available in rural sub-medical centres.  The Telangana Government has decided to make available the doctors.  For this the Government have taken up recruitment process of doctors on a large scale.

 The Government has been very proactive in the matter of maternity for women.

Government established maternity ICUs for the first time in the country.  In many places, special Health centres have been set up exclusively for women’s maternity.  102 AmmaOdi vehicles has been provided to transport pregnant ladies to hospitals for delivery even from remote villages. KCR kits program was started and financial assistance of Rs. 12,000/- was provided if delivered in Government Hospitals and if girl child is born Rs.13000/- assistance is being extended.  It is distributing health kits with a value of Rs. 2000/-.

With these measures, the institutional deliveries increased substantially. 

          Telangana stood at first position in different indices of National Family Health Survey.  Telangana stood at first place in curbing Infant mortality, maternal mortality, deaths of below five-year-old infants.

          Government embarked on preparing Telangana State Citizens Digital Health Profile.  On pilot basis, the procurement of details was started in Mulugu, Siricilla constituencies. 



Construction of new Super Speciality Hospitals

          In sixty years of combined state history, only five Government Medical Colleges were established in Telangana.

          In the first phase after the formation of Telangana state, TRS Government sanctioned 4 new colleges immediately at Nalgonda, Suryapet, Siddipet, Mahaboobnagar. Medical Education teaching is going on successfully in these colleges.  Recently, another 8 new Medical Colleges were sanctioned by the Government and measures are being taken to start these colleges from the ensuing educational year.  Construction of buildings is taken up on brisk pace.

          With the addition of newly sanctioned Medical Colleges, the total Medical Colleges in the state reached to 17. Government is striving forward with an aim to establish one Medical College per district in days to come.

          Government decided to undertake the construction of Multi-Speciality Hospitals with the name of “Telangana Institute of Medical Sciences (TIMS)” for extending the medical services on four sides of the city.  Presently, first TIMS hospital is established and is extending services at Gachibowli in the city.  Measures are taken to establish another three Multi Speciality Hospitals at L.B.Nagar, Alwal and Sanathnagar.

          Land acquisition for these works is completed.  Government is constructing one Multi Speciality Hospital at Ramagundum in Singareni area and another at Patencheru Industrial belt. Shortly, Government is laying foundation stone for the construction of these Hospitals.  Measures are already taken for construction of Super Speciality Hospital with state of art facilities at Warangal city.  Recently, I had laid the foundation stone.  All kinds of Super Speciality Medical Services will be brought under one roof.

Administrative Reforms

          In order to remove the unnecessary delay in the administration, with a resolve to bring administration accessible to the people, Government embarked on Administrative Reforms.

          Government undertook the District Reorganisation for effective implementation of developmental and welfare programs.  Earlier, people faced many difficulties due to far away district centres.  As per the aspirations and requisitions of the people, Telangana Government had Reorganised state into 33 districts.  It increased the Revenue divisions from 43 to 74 and Mandals from 459 to 594. It increased the number of Municipalities from 68 to 129.  Newly 7 Municipal Corporations were carved out.  At present, the total Municipal Corporations increased to 13.

          Government changed GirijanThandas, Tribal hamlets, far plunged Thandas into special Village Panchayats. In the past when there are 8,690 Grama Panchayats now, this number has been increased to 12,769. By the results reshuffling of administrative departments the Government systems have come to closer of public. Due to small administrative departments, administrative feasibility of officers’ has been increased.  Their work style tremendously improved.

When there were only two Police Commissionerate’s, the Telangana Government now established 7 new Police Commissionerate’s. Presently total of 9 Police Commissionerate’s in the State are efficiently supervising law and order in the state.

The Government in 25 districts has taken up construction of extensive and wide spread Integrated Collectorate buildings with modern facilities. Out of these, 4 buildings are inaugurated and construction of 12 more buildings is completed. The construction works of remaining buildings is near completion. Similarly, construction works of new Police Commissionerate buildings are also almost completed.

            The PallePragathi, PattanaPragathi plans, which are introduced by the Telangana government, have given tremendous results. Due to these programmes, the Government has provided minimum basic facilities in the Villages and Towns.

“Dirtiness is indication of uncivilization, the God is residing in cleanliness only” said by Mahatma Gandhi.  By realizing the aspirations of India’s Father of Nation, the TRS Government in the State has been endeavouring for cleanliness and greenery of Villages and Towns. As part of development of basic facilities in rural areas numerous constructions have taken place. To bid respectable farewell to people who died, the Government is constructing VaikuntaDhamams in every Villages.  For Garbage disposal a dump yard is established in every Village and a Nursery is provided for nurturing plants in every Village.

In the past, where there were only total 84 tractors available in the Gram Panchayats.  Today, the Telangana Government provided 12,769 tractors in the state. I am proudly announcing that today in every Gram Panchayat has tractor, trolley and tankers. By making surroundings clean, the Government improved public health. Awareness improved in the public. At every step green trees, cleanliness around, uninterrupted power supply, Villages and Towns are looking illuminated and resplendent.

Encouragement to caste-based professions – Village Economic Development:

          After formation of Telangana State, the Government has been implementing several programmes for economic and social development of the people who are living on caste professions. The caste professions, which are profitable were destroyed in the erstwhile united state ruling, are now being given breath and life by the Telangana Government. It is giving financial and cordial support to the people who are dependent on these professions. B.C. communities are more dependent on these professions. The development and welfare schemes which are being implemented by the Government are supporting their lives.

The Government is distributing free fish seedlings to the fisher community. Aqua culture is being promoted where ever water resources are available in the State. After construction of Kaleshwaram and other projects, the ponds and water bodies along with reservoirs etc. are filled with full tank level. With this, enormous opportunities are increased for Aqua culture.

With the production of fisheries in the state, income of fishing community has increased many folds. With this, joy and happiness is filled in their lives. Today, the Telangana state has reached to the position of exporting fish produce to others states. 

The TRS Government with tune of 11 thousand crore rupees has taken up a tremendous program for distribution of sheeps at a big level for the GollaKurmas. This distribution process is going on smoothly. With the efforts of the Government, today in the state, the numberof sheep are increased to highest level. Shepherds’ income also highly increased. 

With statistics of the central government, the Telangana State is on the top position among other states in the country with highest number of sheep.

The Government is implementing various schemes for the development of Gouds, who are living on toddy tapping, NayeeBrahmahnana, Rajaka and other professional communities.  

The Government has introduced 250 units of free power supply scheme to the NayeeBrahmahnas, washermen. Funds are provided for establishment of modern Dhobi Ghats for washermen and modern saloons for NayeeBrahmahns.

Spearheading industrial and IT sector:

Today the Telangana Government in the country is at forefront in industrial progress. The government has introduced TSiPass policy in 2015 November to felicitate to establish industries. This policy has attracted attention of the Whole world towards Telangana state. The people who want to establishment industries can apply online, for which, the government will give all permissions within 15 days for them. From the introduction of this policy the state received investment to the tune of Rs. 2.2 lakh crores. With this, lakhs of people got employment. In the last 7 years 16 thousand 671 industries have come to the state.

By these industries 15 lakh 86 thousand 500 jobs are created. The IT sector in the state is moving forward with remarkable speed.

Some of the people expressed doubts and apprehensions about IT sector during the formation of the Telangana state, which are now washed away. The state government with stood from the impact of the Covid which is shown negative impact on the economy and the IT sector in the state has progressed. 

 After formation of the state, 20 prestigious world known IT giants come to for establishment their companies.

In 2013-14 IT exports were 57,258 crore rupees in our state, where as in 2020-21 these exports have reached to 1,45,522 crore rupees. Every year the Telangana growth rate is gradually increasing than India’s IT sector gross development rate.

In employment generation also IT sector has achieved significant progress. If compared with 2013-14 employees number today the IT, IT based industries have been providing employment near double the number.

When part of erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh IT sector has provided at average only one employment in every 10 new posts of Indian IT industry.

With the efforts of the Telangana Government, in every new 10 jobs of Indian IT sector last year, it is significant note that the three jobs are provided by the Telangana IT sector.

Vacancies in Government departments:

          The Telangana Government has started to fill up the vacancies in the various departments. With the results of discussions and strenuous efforts put many months with the central government the state got amendments in the Honourable President of India orders to provide 95 percent jobs for the locals and implemented new zonal system.

          As per the new zonal policy,for newly formed districts posts and division of employees process is under progress. After the process is completed vacancies fill up process will be taken by the Government.


Hyderabad as TreeCity:

          With the result of “TelanganakuHaritha Haram” program the greenery in the state has increase to 4 percent. The Hyderabad city only has got recognition as Tree City. It is significant that, from the India only Hyderabad is the city which got appreciation and laurels from 63 countries in the world.

          This pride has not easily achieved. For plantation, nurturing, expansion of trees the system which is guilt by the government is the main reason. 

          In Telangana the greenery is grown up around 4 percent as per declaration of forest survey of India survey. The Central Forest Minister has announced in the Parliament that the Telangana is in forefrontin plantation of sapling and growing of trees. And environmental experts of United NationOrganizationhave praised our efforts. This spirit shall continue some more time.

          To achieve the aim of greenery it is humbly requested to all that everyone with determination should plant the saplings and ensure their growth.

          Hyderabad has gained name and fame for accommodating and providing comfortable living for every citizen of the different areas. In the process of making Hyderabad as universal city, the traffic plights have gradually decreased by the construction of flyovers at nearby near places. Yet, several flyovers, skyovers are under constructions. By bringing beauty to the city the newly constructed DurgamCheruvu Cable Bridge has created recorded as second largest cable bridge in Asia.

          The DurgamCheruvu Bridge has reduced the distance plights of the city people and useful as the center for people to relax in the evenings.

          In the backdrop of Hyderabad city which is growing widely the government has proposed to construct regional ring road in addition to outer ring road.

PV our pride:

          The services of the dear son of Telangana, former Prime Minister of India P.V. Narasimha Rao are great in nature.

          The Illustrious policies and reforms, which are evergreen, taken up by the former Prime Minister PV has spread the pride of India worldwide.  To remember his services by the present generation the government has greatly conducted centenary Birth anniversary celebrations of Sri. P.V.Narasimha Rao across the country and various countries.

          The government has unveiled the statue of P.V. on the banks of Hussain Sagar and the road is named after P.V. Narasimha Rao. The government has unanimously adopted a resolution in the assembly and sent it to the centre to declare and confer the BharathaRatna award to the P.V. Narasimha Rao

Ramappa ,Yadadri

          It is really proud moment to all of us that UNESCO recognised Ramappa temple, a replica of Grandeur of Kakatiyas as World Heritage Site. 

          Behind this recognition, there is a continuous effort of the Government.  I am congratulating once again all the Peoples Representatives and officials who are part of this great effort.  Now the name of Ramappa is echoing worldwide as the Historical Heritage Site which is recognised worldwide and which is the first such site on this telugu land.

          State Government is endeavouring to bring the historicity of self-rule in Telangana and grandeur of spirituality.  Yadadri Temple Reconstruction is a part in this effort.

          Famous personalities who visited temple opined that the Yadadri construction is magnificent and will find a place in the annals of history.  With an intention to protect the ancient arts, heritage, culture and tradition; the devotees and visitors expressed the happiness at reconstruction of this great temple with spiritual bliss.  Government is embarked to complete the reconstruction of Yadadri Temple as soon as possible.

Dalit Bandhu as a Movement

          It is a naked truth that in our country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, we witness that Dalits are in abject poverty.  Our state is not an exception to this.

          Entire Dalit community is suffering not only from poverty but it is also suffering from social discrimination from generations together.  Even after 75 years of Independence, we should all accept the harsh truth that darkness looms large over lives of Dalits.

          If some part of the body is chopped off, then the entire body will collapse.  Likewise, we all should understand that, if we curb the largest community in the country, that country will also collapse. The entire administrative machinery of the country should understand the seriousness in the words of BabasahebAmbedkar the architect of Indian Constitution that, ‘’Democracy is equality. We have to eradicate the financial and social inequalities in this country as early as possible and the development of Dalits should be the first step.”

          From the time of formation of Telangana, Government strived hard for the development of downtrodden castes.  With a resolve to bring educational development in Dalits, Telangana Government established Residential Schools on a large scale.  At the time of formation of Telangana in 2014, there were only 134 Residential Schools for Dalit students.  After TRS came to power, in these seven years, it established 104 schools.  Today, the Residential Schools established for Dalit Students in the state increased to 238.  In these seven years, Government established 30 Degree colleges for SC women.

          If any funds allotted under the SC progress fund in a financial year are not fully spent, the policy brought by the TRS Government of transferring the unspent funds to the next financial year is ideal for the country.

          For Dalit students to study abroad, the Telangana Government is the only Government to provide a maximum of Rs. 20 lakh as scholarship through Ambedkar Overseas Scholarship Scheme.

          Supporting the Dalits with special interest is the main responsibility of the civilized society.  That is the basic duty of the democratic governments. The true patriotism is to strive for the upliftment of the downtrodden Dalit community. This is real service of God.  The Mahatma Gandhi once said that “Service to human is service to God”.  The whole society should support the efforts to be done in this direction. There should be no place for jealousy and envy and all should stand united.Confidence should be given to Dalit community and iron walls, narrow mindsets built in the name of caste, must be knocked down.

          Whatever happened so far for the comprehensive development of Dalit community is at one side and what is going to be happen now is another side with this view point the Telangana Government is initiating the Dalit movement.

          I humbly plead to people of state that Telangana Dalit Bandhu Movement is implementation form of great resolve of living with own strength and empowerment of downtrodden dalit people.

I myself designed the DalithaBandhu Scheme with the aim of financially empowering the dalits and thereby freeing them from social discrimination.  I declare with full confidence that the dalitbandhu designed in the light of ideas of great personalities Mahatma Jyothi Rao Phule, Bharat RatnaB.R.Ambedkar, will bring a new light in the lives of dalits.

          The Government has sanctioned funds for the implementation of Dalit Bandhu in the budget this year.  This project will be fully implemented on pilot basis at Huzurabad constituency of our state from tomorrow onwards.

          The project will be implemented partially in other constituencies of the state.  Dalits were not satisfied with limited supports like small loans, subsidies.  provided to them by the erstwhile Governments.  There is no significant change in their situation.  Hence, the Government decided to give 10 lakh rupees of financial motivation to the family to set up a unit under Dalit Bandhu.

          The Government will deposit the DalithaBandhu financial assistance directly into the account of the name of the beneficiary.  Government is providing Rs.10,00,000/- grant without any connection with the banks and without any burden of repayment.

          This will ensure that the beneficiary does not have to worry about how to pay the instalments. Beneficiary will able to continue his livelihood with peace of mind.  The beneficiary has full freedom to choose the employment, business with the investment money provided by the Government.  If beneficiary feels that he was the flexibility and expertise in any field, The Government assists   to select livelihood in the same field.  If any of the beneficiaries is in dilemma in choosing employment himself and request Government, for suggestions, Government will respond immediately and guide them accordingly. The Government is also giving the opportunity to beneficiaries to form a group and to establish big unit.

          The Government is not limited to giving only financial inspiration.  The Government is going to implement special reservations for Dalits to promote them in various business sectors.  For the fertilizer shops established by getting licence from Government, Medical Shops, Hospitals, Hostels, Contracts that supply commodities, other contracts available through Government, for license to establish of wine, Bar shops, Government is embarking to implement special reservations to dalits.

Dalit Protection Fund as Protection

          If the family which benefited from Dalit Bandhu will face any hardship overtime, there is a risk that the family’s situation will turn upside down.  Hence, the government contemplated DalithaBandhu scheme to protect the dalit family as a protection shield at the time of risk and “Dalit Protection fund” has been introduced for the first time in the country itself.  Out of 10 lakh rupees given by the Government to every beneficiary, 10 thousand rupees will be deposited under the share of beneficiary and other 10 thousand rupees will be added by the Government and will be preservedas Dalitprotection fund.

          The Government is preparing to give financial support to  them who are at any risk from Dalith protection fund. DalithBandhuSamithies will be established in village, mandal, constituency, district and state level.  The fund will be managed by these samithies.  District collectors will play a crucial role in the implementation of Dalit Bandhu and supervision of the Dalit protection fund. 

In the past, the Governments after extending support to Dalits, did not supervise the results.

          A special comprehensive policy has been introduced by the Telangana Government for monitoring the results received by the farmers through DalitBandhu.

          The Govt. gives an identity card to the beneficiaries who are benefitted from with DalitBandhu.  A special chip will be installed results are monitored with the help of this chip.  All other schemes provided by the Government to the beneficiaries of Dalit Bandhu Scheme will continue as it is.  The Government will continue to provide rice, pensions and other facilities through ration card.   

On this occasion, I declare with full confidence that Dalit Bandhu scheme will show a way to the country and thus will create a history as a brilliant scheme to change the lives of Dalits.  I assure that the Government will 100% fulfil the goal of Dalit Bandhu that will enable the Dalits who have been discriminated, can grow up as businessmen and industrialists and live with self-respect in society.This will show the world that Dalits are next to none and if opportunities are provided, they will prove themselves.


Government with firm resolve is striving forward to make Telangana Dalit Bandhu Scheme a movement. Seeing the commitment shown by the Government, many Dalit Intellectuals and Dalit societies leaders are appreciating the Government.  The Government is privileged that there is a good discussion regarding Telangana DalitBandhu in Dalit families of the state.  The TRS Government is creating new standards by Telangana DalitBandhu in the pursuit of values of equality enshrined in the constitution.

          The Telangana Government is moving ahead with a broad vision of doing justice to every community in the state in a planned manner.

          At present, Corona is controlled in the state. Nevertheless, the Government is fully prepared to deal with the situation in the wake of medical experts warning about the third phase.

          At the same time, I urge the people of the state to be extra cautious and to be more vigilant along with the precautionary measures to be taken by the Government to strictly abide by the Covid rules.

          The people of the state are expressing satisfaction over the various schemes being implemented by the Government.  The state of Telangana will create many more wonders in the future and will scale many high peaks.  In order to reach the desired destination, one must have purity of speech, integrity and purity of purpose.  Assuring the people of the state that the Telangana Government will move forward on the path of advancement with the combination of these three, and I once again extend my best wishes for the Independence Day of platinum jubilee celebrations to all the people of the state.


Jai Hind, Jai Telangana

-Press note

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