TTD EO Dr KS Jawahar Reddy instructed the officials concerned to come out with a concrete action plan to conduct bhajans with devotees voluntarily in all TTD run temples apart from Tirumala.
During the senior officers review meeting held at TTD Administrative Building in Tirupati on Monday, the EO directed Dharmic Projects Officer Sri Vijaya Saradhi to chalk out an action plan to implement the same.
He also instructed the IT wing officials to prepare exclusive software to implement these Bhajan programmes at Tirumala and other places in a smooth manner. He also said, this will enable the Bhajan mandalis to participate in rendering devotional bhajans on a voluntary basis. "They shall also apply to perform in Nada Neerajanam platform", he added.
The EO also said, the devotees residing in the agency and backward areas where TTD had constructed 502 temples, shall also be motivated to take part in the bhajans in their respective temples on a voluntary basis. The Bhajan materials shall be supplied by TTD", he maintained.
Later the EO also briefed that TTD is contemplating to hold Sri Venkateswara Puja in all the temples dedicated to Sri Venkateswara Swamy across the state on every Saturday along with Bhagavat Gita Parayanam. He also felt that the local temple organisers should take initiative in ensuring that the devotees take part in these bhajans in the temples of their respective localities on a voluntary basis. He also said, the devotees shall make use of this opportunity provided by TTD to enhance the devotional vibes in their home places.
JEOs Smt Sada Bhargavi, Sri Veerabrahmam, CVSO Sri Gopinath Jatti, FACAO Sri Balaji and other senior officers were also present.
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