As the Honourable Prime Minister of India has opened the renovated Sri Adi Shankaracharya Samadhi at Kedarnath in Uttarakhand on Friday, TTD has observed special utsavams at Srinivasa Mangapuram and Vontimitta temples as they were believed to have been visited by Jagatguru during his Desa Sanchara for establishing Advaita Siddhanta across the country.
TTD JEO Sri Veerabrahmam paid floral tributes to the photo of Jagatguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya set up in a specially arranged stage at Sri Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy temple in Srinivasa Mangapuram and later commenced special spiritual programmes after lighting the lamp and performing special pujas.
Later hundreds of people gathered to witness the live telecast of the opening fete of Sri Adi Shankaracharya Samadhi by the Prime Minister at Kedarnath through the giant LED screens arranged at the temple premises both at Srinivasa Mangapuram and also Vontimitta in YSR Kadapa District.
As part of this ceremony, the students SV College of Music and Dance performed dance ballets, Annamacharya Project artists presented sankeetans and Harikatha Parayanam while the scholars on behalf of HDPP delivered religious discourses on the life of Sri Adi Shankaracharya on the occasion.
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