TTD EO Dr KS Jawahar Reddy directed officials to launch treatment with Pancha Gavya products at Ayurveda hospital from April 3 both OP and 12-bed inpatient ward
Addressing a review meeting on Pancha gavya products with officials at the Sri Padmavati rest house the TTD EO to make arrangements for the production of 3000 litres of milk and 60 kgs of ghee needed daily for use in Srivari temple.
TTD EO said the official team should immediately take steps to procure desi bovine across the country and measures for building to set up Ghee production Centre in the Goshala.
The ghee and milk generated should also be utilised in the Anna Prasadam complex
He said through the Rythu Sadhikara organisation TTD has so far distributed freely 1300 cows and bulls to farmers in Chittoor, Nellore, Prakasam and
Anantapur districts.
Among others, he directed officials t speedup training program for Goshala organisers in collaboration with ISKCON for the promotion of Organic products and Go Samrakshana.
He also urged officials to promote research to high-quality standards in Pancha Gavya products.
TTD EO directed the estate officials to organise Geo fencing and geo-mapping for each and every TTD assets to protect it from encroachments. The representatives of Hyderabad based NIR interactive Company presented a demo of their product. TTD EO said a decision will be made after a scrutiny of the Geo fencing done for properties of other organisations
Additional EO Sri AV Dharma Reddy, TTD JEOs Sri Veerabrahmam, Smt Sada Bhargavi CVSO Sri Gopinath Jatti, FA &CAO Sri Balaji, CE Sri Nageswara Rao, SE Sri Jagadiswar Reddy, Estate officer Sri Mallikarjun, Ayurveda college principal Sri Murali Krishna were present.
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