TTD JEO Sri Veerabrahmam on Monday released the posters of annual Surya Pujyotsavam and teppotsavam of Sri Vedavalli Sameta Veda Narayana temple of Nagalapuram scheduled between March 24-28.
Speaking on the occasion at the TTD administrative buildings, the TTD JEO said as part of Surya Puja Mahotsavam snapana thirumanjanam fete will be performed for swami and ammavaru on all days in the morning. After surya puja darshan in the evening, Swami and Ammavaru blessed devotees on Float as part of Teppotsavam and thereafter participated in Thiru veedhi utsavam.
TTD is organizing a five-day annual float festival from March 24-28. During the fete on first three days Swami and Ammavaru will participate in Tiruchi utsavam and on fourth n fifth day swami will bless devotees on Sarva Bhupala vahana and Pedda Sesha vahana respectively.
TTD is organizing grand Matsya Jayanti at Sri Veda Narayana temple on April 3. The festivities included Shanti homam, snapana thirumanjanam and finally Garuda vahana seva at night,
The TTD annamacharya project artists will perform cultural programs including bhajans, sankeertans etc.
TTD Special grade DyEo Smt Parvati, temple inspector Sri Anjaneyulu and others were present.
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