TTD has opened gates for yet another novel scheme Sri Venkateswara Apanna Hridaya Scheme aimed at to raise funds through donors to meet expenses of free heart surgeries of newborn and children conducted under the Sri Venkateswara Pranadana Trust.
In order to provide several benefits to the donors of the scheme, TTD has framed certain guidelines.
For donors who contributed ₹1 crore for the construction of Sri Padmavati Children’s super-speciality hospital, already beneficiaries are accorded under the SV Pranadana Trust. Similarly, TTD has special privileges for donors of ₹1 crore and above for the purchase of medical equipment and also hospital construction.
Since SV Pranadana a trust has also been registered for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), corporate donors could now contribute for the purchase of medical equipment under CSR funding and avail all benefits-eligible for normal devotees as per the lifetime of the equipment or 10 years whichever is applicable.
Another opportunity is made possible for the donation of operation expenses for one or more children including newborn where in the contribution is spent only for the cost of surgeries.
By publishing the name of the donor for said operation and providing moral satisfaction to donors. Presently it costs ₹1 lakh for medicine, oxygenators, surgery equipment and implants which any single donor, society, corporate could bequeath.
Under the SV Apanna Hridaya scheme a donor of ₹1 lakh could avail of one-time VIP break tickets for five persons.
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