TTD JEO Sri Veerabrahmam along with CVSO Sri Gopinath Jattii on Monday inspected the ongoing arrangements for the annual brahmotsavams and also the state festival of Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam at Vontimitta in YSR Kadapa district.
Initially, he visited the Kalyana Vedika where the celestial wedding of Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam is scheduled on April 15 between 8pm and 10pm. He made some valuable suggestions over the stage, VIPs seating, Annaprasadam distribution counters, barricading, erection of giant LED screens and other arrangements to be made keeping in view the past experiences.
While the CVSO verified the seating arrangements of the VIPs and common pilgrims, entry and exit points and the security arrangements to be made exclusively on the day of Sita of Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam in view of the VIPs visit.
Later the JEO also visited the temple of Sri Kodanda Rama Swamy where he was offered Purna Kumbha Swagatham by the temple priests as per tradition.
SE Electrical Sri Venkateswarulu, VGO Sri Manohar, EE Smt Sumati, DyEOs Sri Gunabhushan Reddy, Sri Lakshman Naik, Sri Ramana Prasad, Additional Health Officer Dr Sunil, temple priest Sri Veena Raghavacharyulu, local officials from district and police departments were also present.
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