Haseena is an upcoming crime thriller starring Priyanka De in the title role. Naveen Iragani is directing the movie that features Sai Teja Ganji, Thanveer, Shiva Ganga, Akash Lal, Vasishna Narayana, Abhinav, and Shreshtha in the lead roles. S Rajasekhar Reddy and Tanveer MD are jointly producing the movie. The film is in the post-production phase and the team is increasing curiosity with intriguing promotional material.
The film’s teaser has been dropped today. Successful hero Adivi Sesh did the honours of launching the teaser. The video begins with Haseena’s statement- Introducing the people who f***ed up my life. Then there is another interesting quote about friends- “Friends last forever but not all times”. After the introduction of Priyanka De as Haseena, we get to see crime and action elements.
The dialogue- “Oka Manishini Champalanet Ayudha Balam Avasaram Ledu… Budhi Balam Unte Chalu,” sounds powerful. The last dialogue by Priyanka is kickass. “Naa Peru Haseena. Naa Katha Meeku Ardham Kavalante, Meeru Mandaina Thagundali… Leka Medhavi Aina Ayyundali,” says she. And this gives a perfect end to the teaser. On the whole, the teaser sets good expectations on the movie.
Shahrukh Sheikh scored music and the Birthday song sung by Rahul Sipliganj went viral.
Raam Kanda is the cameraman, while Harish Krishna (Chanti) is the editor, and background music is provided by Navneet Chari. Sai Teja Ganji is the line producer for this film.
Technical crew:
Producer: S Rajasekhar Reddy, Tanveer MD
Director: Naveen Iragani
Line Producer: Sai Teja Ganji
Music: Shahrukh Sheikh
Editor: Harish Krishna (Chanti)
Cinematographer: Raam Kanda
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