As a part of the ongoing Sri Venkateswara Vaibhavotsavams in Hyderbad, the Governor of Goa, Sri PS Sridharan Pillai took part in the event on the third day on Thursday. The denizens of Hyderabad had a delightful Netra Darshanam of Sri Venkateswara Swamy on Thursday.
After the morning Sevas, the Mula Virat was divested of all ornaments, flowers etc. The deity was draped only in Dhoti and Uttareeyam. The Thirunaman Kaappu and Kasturi on the forehead of the main deity were also reduced in size resulting in the uniquer Netra Darshan (where the divine eyes of the Lord can be seen) of the main deity which happens only on Thursdays.
On Thursdays, Thiruppavada Seva was performed as an Arjitha Seva in Tirumala temple in front of the Bangaru Vakili and Annakoototsavam (where heaps of tamarind rice is poured) is performed. The same fete was replicated in the spacious NTR Stadium at Hyderabad on Thursday between 8.30am and 10.30am which immersed the denizens in devotional waves.
SIGNIFICANCE: A large rectangular tub-like vessel was placed in front of the main deity and a huge quantity of “Pulihora”-tamarind rice, deposited thereon with coconuts, flowers, sandal paste, kumkum, deepam and was placed in that trapezoid receptacle to be offered as Naivedya to the Lord. It is believed that the Lord's first gaze after "opening" His Eyes during Netra Darshanam should not fall on mortals, because it has huge power that could not be withstand by humans. Instead, it is made to fall on the mound of "Pulihora" directly placed in front of Him, thereby sanctifying it and reducing the intensity of His Gaze. The "Pulihora" therefore acts like a Veil ("Paavada" in Telugu/Tamil) protecting devotees from His Powerful Gaze. And hence the name,-Tiruppavada Seva.
DEVOTIONAL TREAT: The performance by the artists of Annamacharya Project allured the devotees. Sri Saraswathi Prasad and his team rendered Vinnapalu Vinavale, Vinaro Bhagyam Vishnukatha, Govinda Govinda Yani Koluvare, Kodalalo Nelakonna, Brahmamokkate, Vedukondama, Jagadapu and many more noteworthy songs penned by the Saint Poet Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya on the occasion.
One of the Chief Priests of Tirumala Temple Sri Venugopala Deekshitulu, Agama Advisor Sri Mohana Rangacharyulu, Rajyasabha MP Sri Vemireddi Prabhakar Reddy, New Delhi LAC Chief Smt Prasanthi Reddy, donors Sri Harshavardhan, Sri SS Reddy, Sri Venkateswar Reddy, Sri Subba Reddy, Deputy EO of Tirumala temple Sri Ramesh Babu, All Dharmic Projects of TTD Programme Officer Smt Vijayalakshmi, Annamacharya Project Director Dr Vibhishana Sharma, AEOs Sri Jaganmohanachary, Sri Parthasaradhi, Sri Sriramulu and others were also present.
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