TTD JEO Sri Veerabrahmam on Friday released the posters of pavitrotsavam fete at Sri Kalyan Venkateswara temple. Srinivasa Mangapuram is slated from October 21-23, at his chambers in TTD administrative building.
Speaking on the occasion the JEO said the fete commenced with Ankurarpanam on October 20, Pavitra Pratista on October 21, Pavitra Samarpana on October 22 and Pavitra Purnahuti on October 23.
He said the festival is aimed at resolving any lapses in rituals etc by Archakas or devotees in the temple during year-long celebrations.
Special Grade DyEO Smt Varalakshmi, temple Archakas Sri Balaji Swami and others were present.
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