TTD EO Sri AV Dharma Reddy said on Friday that TTD has taken up construction of 320 bhajan mandirams under SRIVANI Trust across different locations in Andhra Pradesh of which 84 mandirams would be completed by December 2022.
Addressing a review meeting of the SRIVANI Trust along with representatives of the Samarasata Seva Foundation at the TTD Administrative Building, the TTD EO enquired about the second phase works on 111 bhajan mandirs and 209 bhajan mandirs in the third phase under the SS foundation supervision.
He directed SS foundation representatives to speed up the works when he was informed that works on 84 bhajan mandirs are under progress and that rest are still under the stage of documentation.
Among others, he directed officials concerned to complete land acquisition for 209 temples in the third phase and commence works.
He also directed CE to get idols ready for 111 temples in the second phase and train Archakas at SVETA for these temples, scheme parayanadars to visit the bhajan mandirs in their jurisdiction, TTD to provide assistance for Dhoop and Deep services, bhajan mandir committees to submit reports regularly, etc.
TTD JEOs Sada Bhargavi, Sri Veerabrahmam, CE Sri Nageswara Rao, Samarasata Seva foundation President Sri Talluri Vishnu, Secretary Sri Pokala Trinath, Joint Secretary Sri Kota Sunil Kumar, Simhapuri zone Co convenor Sri K Reddappa Rao, Representatives, Sri Venkateswara Reddy and Sri Aditya were also present.
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