Vishnu Saligrama puja, the maiden fete of the TTDs annual Karthika masa celebrations commenced at Vasantha mandapam on Friday and the program was live telecast by the SVBC channel between 3.00-4.30 pm.
Earlier the utsava idols of Sri Malayappa Swami and his consorts along with Saligramas were brought to Vasantha mandapam where TTD vaikhanasa agama adviser Sri SV Mohana Rangacharyulu highlighted the significance of the holy fete. Thereafter Vedic pundits performed abhisekam, offered harati,naivedyam, Kshama mantra and mangala harati.
Srivari temple chief archaka Sri Venugopal Dikshitulu and pundits from Dharmagiri Veda Pathashala and national university were present.
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