TTD JEO Sri Veerabrahmam on Wednesday directed officials that more and more devotees be empowered about the latest TTD mobile app by its display at all information centres and local temples of TTD.
Addressing a virtual conference with officials of TTD information centres and local temples, the TTD JEO said the latest mobile app, TT Devasthanams launched by the TTD Chairman Sri YV Subba Reddy was downloaded by over ten lakh devotees within 24 hours and officials should upload more information on TTD sevas, Darshan tickets and rooms for benefit of devotees.
Among others, he instructed officials to take steps to introduce new sevas at Srivari temple inaugurated at Bhubaneswar last year and complete pending works of TTD Kalyana Mandapams there.
He also instructed officials to speed up development works at several TTD temples at Upamaka, Ananatavaram,
DyEO (General) Sri Gunabhushan Reddy, Special grade DyEO Smt Varalakshmi, DyEOs Sri Lokanatham, Sri Vijay Kumar and others were present.
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