TTD EO Sri AV Dharma Reddy directed the officials to arrange electronic automatic voice announcements in the free buses (Dharma Rathams) that transport Srivari devotees from one area to another within Tirumala so that they know the areas where they should get off for the convenience of the devotees.
On Thursday, the EO conducted a review with the Transport department officials at the EO chambers in the TTD Administrative building.
Speaking on the occasion, EO said that free buses are transporting devotees from one area to another in Tirumala round the clock. But the devotees travelling in these buses informed that they are facing difficulties while getting down their destined areas. The officials were directed to take steps to make the devotees know the names of the places where they have to get down much prior to their destined station.
For the convenience of the devotees (under the PM-e Bus Service Scheme) the officials are directed to take 10 more electric buses with the cooperation of RTC. In order to reduce pollution in Tirumala, the diesel vehicles of pilgrims and officials are to be replaced by electric vehicles through CESL (Convergence Energy Systems Limited) in future, EO added.
Similarly, engineering officials are directed to increase the number of charging stations in Tirumala to suit electric vehicles.
TTD JEO Sri Veerabraham, FA and CAO Sri Balaji, Head of TTD Transport Division Sri Sesha Reddy, RTC RM Sri Chengal Reddy, EE Sri Surendranath Reddy, DE (Electrical) Ravi Shankar Reddy and others participated.
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