In a gripping teaser release coinciding with the Diwali festival, "Satyabhama" unfolds a tale of guilt and determination. Satyabhama, portrayed by Kajal Aggarwal, is haunted by the inability to save a young woman's life. As the teaser suggests, her quest for justice is met with challenges, with officials insisting the case is beyond her control. Undeterred, Satyabhama embarks on a relentless pursuit of the killers, drawing parallels to her adventure in our epics, akin to the mission to defeat Narakasura.
The cast includes Kajal Aggarwal, Prakash Raj, Naveen Chandra, among others, delivering powerful performances under the direction of Suman Chikkala.
Technical team
Banner: Aurum Arts
Screenplay, Movie Presenter : Sashi Kiran Tikka
Producers: Bobby Tikka, Srinivasa Rao Takkalapelli
Co Producer – Balaji
Cinematography - B Vishnu
Music: Sri Charan Pakala
PRO: GSK Media
Directed by: Suman Chikkala
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